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Pro-How Tech and Web Training

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As a new or potential website owner, you are embarking on an experience that can feel challenging. With a slew of new words, concepts and responsibilities to learn, you can quickly feel overwhelmed. We designed the Resource Center to help you take your first bold steps into owning your own piece of the World Wide Web.

How To Add An Image To A WordPress Page or Post

When you want to add an image to your website, you have two options: You can follow the steps below to learn how to add an image to a page or a post. Note: We will use screenshots from adding an image to a post for this tutorial. Once your

How Do I Choose A Good Domain Name?

    In general, a good Domain Name is short and memorable. If you choose a name that meets those two requirements you are on track.     Where can I find advice on picking Domain Names? Smashing Magazine has posted an article entitled “The Effective Strategy For Choosing Right

How Do I Get My Own Domain Name?

    The quick answer is, you lease your domain name from a Domain Registrar. A person or company may lease a Domain Name for one or more years.     What is a Domain Registrar? This humorous video from YouTube user Kieran D explains what a Domain Registrar is.

How To Customize The Menu In WordPress

By changing a theme’s CSS, you can change the appearance of your WordPress menu. Tip: It is recommended to create a child theme before making any changes to the code of a WordPress theme. About RdyToGo, Firebolt, and the Pro-How Technology Training Service RdyToGo, pronounced “Ready To Go,” is a creative

How To Add Social Media Buttons To WordPress

One way to maximize engagement on your WordPress site is by taking advantage of social media by using a plugin to add social media widgets to your website. This can be easily achieved by utilizing one of the many WordPress plugins. When selecting a plugin, be sure to keep the

What Are The Types Of Web Hosting?

    There are three main types of website hosting; Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Servers. The type of hosting you pick will depend on the needs of your website.     What are the main differences between the types of hosting? Listen as Peter Pollock, the author of

How To Install A Plugin In WordPress

You can install a WordPress plugin by going to Plugins > Add New on your WordPress dashboard. There are two methods for installation: the first is by installing the plugin from your WordPress dashboard, and and the second is by uploading the plugin files from your local computer. Here is

How to change the color of your theme’s background in WordPress

In order to change the background color of a WordPress website, you will need to modify the CSS. What is CSS? The initialism is a shortened form of the name Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is basically a way to describe how you wish to have parts of your webpage or

Why Does My Business Need A Website?

    A website advertises your business, provides customers with contact information and hours of business. Some websites will sell products.     What can a website do for your business? This YouTube video from Canadian company Adster Creative explains the value of having a business website.   Profitworks posted

What Is Website Hosting?

    Website hosting is the computer where your website lives. This computer must be running and connected to the Internet 24/7. Read Wikipedia’s Definition here.     How can I understand what website hosting is? This YouTube video from HostingReviewCentral explains hosting and its importance in an easy to

Why choose RdyToGo for your next web design project?

Since 2010, RdyToGo has been a trusted and reliable website design agency in Myrtle Beach. Our portfolio speaks for itself – you probably know someone who’s gotten a website from us! If you’re tired of a slow, unresponsive website that isn’t getting you business, don’t hesitate! Contact RdyToGo today for a free estimate on getting your website a remodel. We’ll pull out all the stops to make your website the engine of your business success.