FAQ Service: TopCraft

TopCraft Website & Graphic Design FAQs - Myrtle Beach

Get answers to your frequently asked questions about web design, graphic design, video, & photo editing – TopCraft Myrtle Beach

How does RdyToGo approach the design process for a print project?

RdyToGo will usually start with a consultation, then start work. Depending on project size we may meet again.

How much does a website cost in 2017?

Depending on what options you select, expect a decent website to start around $4000

Who owns the copyright to the web design project?

Once the website is paid in full and published, you do.

Does RdyToGo provide stock photos and/or photography services?

Yes, at extra cost, we offer a variety of photography options.

Does RdyToGo provide SEO for your website designs?

Yes. Some SEO services come included for free, and others are an addon at additional cost.

How does RdyToGo bill: hourly, monthly, annually, or per project?

Each service has its own terms, however, recurring services are usually monthly or annually.

What is RdyToGo’s average turnaround time per website project?

Project times differ, but website are usually completed inside a month.

Does RdyToGo design mobile friendly or responsive websites?

Absolutely. We build mobile-first websites by default.

Will the finished website look the same on all browsers and devices?

Not 100%, but very similar.

Does RdyToGo actually do the design work?

We do. Our team is a mix of in-house talent and trusted freelancers that are local.

Does RdyToGo use template sites and customize them or custom code?

It depends on you. The level we go to customize things is based on your wishes and budget.

Does the client have access to change the website without RdyToGo’s aid?

The choice is yours. Most of our client's ask for this, some don't want it.
Top five things people ask about us

The four best reasons to choose us

Our Passion

We all have a reason why we get up in the morning and do what we do. Our passion for helping entrepreneurs #BetterTheWorld is what drives us.

Our Approach

While we could do what everyone else is doing, we choose to set a different bar.  We favor compelling storytelling and high design standards.


We are not interested in a quick fling to make profit. Yes, we do need income. But, what we want are long term clients that trust in the process and stable growth.

We are local

We are local and want to work with local people. We are not cutting costs by hiring foreign or remote labor that’s difficult to communicate with.

Our pricing is reasonable


We are not the expensive option, nor the cheap option. We provide high quality with competitive prices.


People hate surprises. Our billing is clear and you will know what to expect before you are billed.


There are many ways to accomplish the same task. We will find something that works with your budget.

We have proven ourselves as trustworthy

Online reviews

Independant reviews on Google are difficult to get and are verified. Our client’s have spoken.


Our client’s have provided written testimonials for our use to prove that we did what was promised.

You can find testimonials on each service page of this website.


See for yourself some samples of our work. You can see and verify the quality of our workmanship.

We would love to talk with you

Contact Form

Use our contact form. We will respond quickly. You deserve it.

Free Estimate

Get a free estimate for your next project. Our short form has only seven questions.

Get support

We offer paid support and complimentary support for clients with maintenance plans.

Meet us

Let’s meet over an online video call. Get to know us and see if we are good for you.