Does RdyToGo provide stock photos and/or photography services?

Does RdyToGo provide stock photos and/or photography services?

The Quick Answer

Yes, at extra cost, we offer a variety of photography options.

The Detailed Answer

In short, Yes. Not only can we provide these services, but we will gladly work with any photographer or photos you provide so long as, (1) they are high quality, and (2) you have ownership or the license to use them.

Which should be used, stock or original photography?

We encourage our clients to use as much real photography as possible in their project because an overuse of stock will leave website visitors thinking your company is fake. That being said, if you use original photos, they need to be the highest quality available.

What can RdyToGo do?

  • Stock Photos; RdyToGo has access to various stock photo libraries. If a stock photo has a license fee we will pass that on to the client.
  • Photography Services; RdyToGo can provide photography services. We have an in-house photographer and have a few subcontracted photographers we can use. Among our in-house offerings we can set up a full photo-shoot with our professional lighting kit and we offer drone flyover photography as well.